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Castle Hill Primary

Castle Hill Primary

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! This page provides updates for parents on our Year 4 curriculum and important information.


Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Welcome Coffee Morning slides (Sept 2024)

Novel Studies

At our school, we believe that reading is the key to unlocking a world of imagination, knowledge, and lifelong learning. In Key Stage 2, each class embarks on a novel study every half term, where pupils delve into rich, engaging texts that broaden their horizons. To enhance this experience, we highly encourage families to provide a copy of the novel for their child to read along in class. Pupils who receive benefit-related free school meals will be provided with a copy. Together, we aim to nurture a love of reading that will inspire our children for years to come.

This year's novels: 

Varjak Paw: Amazon.co.uk: Said, Sf, McKean, Dave: 9780440420767: BooksThe Girl Who Stole an ElephantThe Iron Man x 6BeowulfThe Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events 1) by Lemony Snicket  (9781405266062/Paperback) | LoveReading4KidsViking Boy


We have the following homework expectations for pupils in Year 4: 

  • Daily reading at home
  • Weekly mathletics homework
  • Weekly Emile homework

Statutory Assessments

In Year 4, pupils take part in a multiplication check in the summer term. Please see below for more information: 

Multiplication Times table Check (parent meeting 2024) 

DfE Information Leaflet

Who to contact?

The phase leader for Years 4, 5 and 6 is Mrs Cameron and can be contacted via 456phaseleader@castlehill.rbksch.org