Welcome to our School Uniform Page! Our school uniform is a vital aspect of our community, promoting a sense of unity, equality, and pride among students. By wearing the uniform, pupils represent our school’s values and help create a focused learning environment free from distractions. Explore this page to learn more about our uniform guidelines and how they contribute to the overall success and harmony of our school.
Our school uniform:
Castle Hill's Nursery UniformCastle Hill's Reception Uniform
Castle Hill's Years 1-6 Uniform
Where to purchase uniform:
You can purchase uniforms from ‘PMG’ on Hook parade for sweatshirts and polo shirts with the logo: https://pmgschoolwear.co.uk/stores.php
We would recommend any supermarket or high street retailer for t-shirts, polo shirts, skirts, skorts, trousers and shoes, etc.
The PTA arranges regular second hand uniform sales each year.
Need help with uniform costs?
If you are facing difficulty with purchasing school uniform, please contact our school office on 0208 397 2006. Ms Peacock, our Family Liasion Officer will be happy to help.
Alternatively, contact the headteacher via head@castlehill.rbksch.org